
Other Exhibitions

Photo exhibitions

Suomi the green route, National Parks and wilderness in Finland

Photo exhibition and slide show at Museo Civico di Storia Naturale – Public Gardens, Milano
Organised by Borealand, Association for cultural exchanges among Northern Countries

Nature and environment of Finland

Photo exhibition, slide show and lecture at Circolo della Stampa, Milano
For the UE Presidency of Finland

Nature of Finland

Photo exhibition in Ispra
CNR Centre of Ispra

Emotions of infinity

Photo exhibition in Bergamo
Organised by Centro Studi Leonardo da Vinci with the support of the Finnish Embassy
Painting: Simo Nygren
Sculpture: Seppo Saarikoski
Photography: Franco Figari

Global 200: terre senza confini – WWF

Open air photo exhibition in Piazza Meda, Milano with pictures of different photographers
for the book published by Edizioni White Star

Nature, master of painting and sculpture

Photo exhibition at Litta Theatre, Milano

Slide shows

A journey by foot through Finland

Slide shows at Centro Asteria, Milano
Meeting the protagonists of the “World of Mountains” also for the schools

Finland, the land of 1000 lakes

Slide show at Verga Theatre, Milano
Organised by Associazione Culturale il Cielo

Greenland emotions

Slide show at Villa Cagnola, Gazzada with musher Elio Rimoldi
Organised by Amministrazione Comunale and Club Alpino di Gazzada Schianno

The colours of silence

Slide show at Centro Civico, Locate Varesino
Lecture of environmental culture “Uomini, natura e parchi”
Organised by Consorzio Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate

Colours of Finland

Slide show in the Library of the Italian Cultural Institute, Helsinki
Organised by La Rondine, online paper for Italian culture and news in Finland

Colours of Finland

Slide show in Lausanne (Switzerland)
Organised by Finnish Embassy – Commercial Department

Finland, land of lights

Introducing the book during the course of the “Be Nordic” event at the UniCredit Pavilion, Milan

Introducing the book at the Swedish Adult Education Centre, Helsinki

Routes of Knowledge

Slide shows at Centro Società Umanitaria – Humaniter Foundation, Milan

Nature, master of painting and sculpture

Arctic and antarctic lands: off-course islands

Finland: the colours of wind and silence

Into the wild: man inside nature

Pranayama – Kapalabhati

Slide show at Centro Società Umanitaria, Milano on the occasion of the launch event

Meeting between Finnish nature and literature from an Italian point of view

Photo gallery at Trento Mountain Film Festival

Slide shows at Viale Ca’ Granda Auditorium for Auser Milano

Isole fuori rotta

Slide shows with the participation of Roberto Mazzagatti, wildlife photographer, in Trani

Il faro sull’isola

Poem by Paola Alberti Colombo inspired by the slide show “Isole fuori rotta”

Sentinella solitaria
a difesa dell’immensità,
del silenzio misterioso di paesaggi surreali,
di muraglie di iceberg, di puzzle di ghiaccio.
Riversano in fragore di onde,
in mareggiate di tempeste,
in cascate spumeggianti
al ruggito dei venti.
L’uomo non abita lì.

La natura è sovrana
di luci di tramonti, di ombre di nuvole,
di bianco verginale che acceca di purezza.
Pinguini reali, sculture itineranti,
lontani dalle rovine dell’uomo,
sono gli abitanti.
Sotto la terra, pulsa la vita.
Una cascata di lapilli s’innalza
abbaglia, illumina.
La muta di cani s’acquieta.
Ammira il dipinto della natura
con l’uomo che ha imparato a conoscere
di cui si fida e ad essa si affida,
nel condividere l’avventura
di un viaggio libero,
come libero è il volo dei gabbiani.

Photograph sold at a charity auction arranged by “Planet Life Economy Foundation

Projections during the play “Sonate d’Automne”

Petit Théatre de Naples, Paris, 8-10 June 2018


Photograph panel set-ups in stands at fairs, meeting halls, offices and public places